Archive by Author

Lee “Scratch” Perry | The Upsetter

23 Mar

We often find ourselves looking for a little inspiration. Here is someone you may or may not be aware of.  Lee “Scratch” Perry is a writer, producer, engineer, and recording artist.  He is one of the architects of Reggae music and a pioneer of dub.  He came to prominence in the late 1960’s first as […]

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The Universal Song

21 Mar

I’m convinced that music is the most efficient way to communicate a message that can be learned and repeated line by line or note for note by masses of people. It just works, seems to me that’s why people make little nursery rhymes out of things they need to remember, and that’s probably why all […]

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Vibes, Morale & Mistakes

19 Mar

In my first article, I thought I’d take a minute to talk about the importance of great vibes. Having a good time is a compulsory component of any great recording. You need tons of talent, skill, and ambition to make it in this or any business, but in our line of work vibe is just […]

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Kam Houff Music Blog | Now Live!

16 Mar

The blog at is now live! Don’t forget to check back for all kinds of videos, tutorials, reviews, inspiration and insight. Happy Creating.

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